People, I bring you the wonderful bristle toothbrush. Hopefully, most of us use it every single day. The bristle toothbrush is just like any toothbrush you see today, but the ones today are probably upgraded from back in the Ming Dynasty. The bristles were made from pigs' necks. The birstles were attached to a bone or to a bamboo handle. To use it, someone simply (for best results) puts toothpaste on the bristles, and move back and forth all aroundand on the teeth. If they want to get rowdy, they can even brush their tongue, or their gums, or even the roof of their mouth.
This was first used in China in the fifteenth century. It was invented in 1498. Romans were also very interested into oral hygiene. They also used the toothbrush. The toothbrush was used in America in 1857.
This invention has changed almost everyones life. When they wake up, they will eat brekfast. and would normally just go do their every day activities. With the toothbrush, after someone eats they will hopefully brush their teeth. And at night, before bed, someone will usually brush their teeth. Now, everyone has white, clean teeth, and fresh breath!